Momentan gibt es Bestrebungen Vernetzung auch Bundesweit und darüber hinaus hinzubekommen. Menschen, die Interesse an dem Thema haben sind herzlich eingeladen sich dem #detoxmasculinity-Netzwerk anzuschließen. Hier findet Ihr die aktuelle Liste der Mitglieder des #detoxmasculinity-Netzwerkes.
Das #detoxmasculinity-Netzwerk:
Christoph May
Detoxicologist. Founder and creator of Detox Masculinity Network and Hetox Magazine. He gives lectures, workshops and webinars on critical masculinity and male fantasies in TV shows and movies:
Heidi Süß
Just finished her PhD on masculinities in the German rap scene. She researches, writes and lectures about gender/masculinity roles and sexism in rap music:
Cesy Leonard
Artist, activist and systemic coach. She is the co-founder of Radikale Töchter and together with three artists, she has led the artists’ group Zentrum für Politische Schönheit. She is mother of two children and lives in Berlin.
Veronika Kracher
Journalist based in Frankfurt. Her main topics are the relationship of right-winged ideologies, masculinity and antifeminism, the alt-right, and, most notably, the “incel” subculture”. @verokracher
Laura Vorsatz
Podcast host of Feminismus mit Vorsatz where she tells about her own travel through feminism (failures included). Studied culture and communication science, lives in Berlin and works in a centre for entrepreneurship: @feminismusmitvorsatz
Susanne Scheerer & Jan Bathel
Both systemic strategist consultants drive gender diversity, female empowerment and social transformation through leadership and culture change programs with Empathic Organization and Grace.
Rick Reuther
Lives in Vienna, where he is doing critical boys and men’s work for poika. His interests are research, activism and performance. And he is brilliant on Twitter: @wasserdanke
Siân Birkner
Gender Studies student, blogger, fangirl and longtime pop culture consumer. Engages with masculinities, femininity and superheroes on
Nina Schmulius
Writer, activist and educator. She works as political ghostwriter and teaches storytelling at the UAS Bern & Grisons. She engages at Fian and is part of Radikale Töchter:
Lisa Neupert
Art historian and teacher from Essen. Researches, publishes and lectures at the interface of cultural studies, gender studies and visual systems.
Sophie Kramer
Studied social work (B.A.) at the Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences. She wrote her thesis on “Boys don’t cry? – Masculinities in crisis” and commits herself to intersectional feminism.
David Sternchen
Studied social pedagogy (B.A.) and social theories (M.A.). Focus on domestic violence, couple/family counseling, men work, social science and subculture (Hip Hop). Works in Thuringia at Project A4.
Carolin Wiedemann
Journalist and sociologist. She writes for FAZ, Missy Magazine and analyse&kritik on questions about criticism and emancipation:
Bilke Schnibbe
Psychologist and author based in Berlin. Bilke writes and talks about sexualized violence, masculinity and (critical) psychotherapy from a feminist perspective:
Susanne Wosnitzka
Musicologist specialized in women’s music history and lesbian history. Doctorate student. Freelancer for e.g. the Archiv Frau und Musik and in the managing board of musica femina münchen:
Blogger & Activist. Seriously wonders where all the pro_feminist men are when it comes to debates on gender. Thus decided to start a blog on critical masculinity:
Lukas Fuchsgruber
Doctor of Art History from Berlin. Lukas works on the social and economical reality of art, in particular in the 19th and 20th century and for a better tomorrow: @feedgruber
Vince Beringhoff
Journalist & media educator. Education officer for the department for boy work NRW (gender-reflected pedagogy). Idealistic pragmatist with a feminine socialization background.
Jochen König
Author and blogger from Berlin. He writes about diversity of families and genders, afternoons on the playground, about failure and overwork, masculinity and sex:
Heimathafen Herz
She studies law and was a long-term administrator of the facebook group Critical Masculinity. Further she works in a voluntary capacity for Zero Waste Kiel e.V.
Marius Reisener
Is doing his doctorate on masculinity in 19th Century theories of the novel (Berlin/Ithaca). He is interested in politics, society and US-American TV Shows.
Socialwork* with experience in youth aid and Gender Studies student. Interest in diverse/critical masculinities, self-reflection, power relations and pop culture.